Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Punk iz BacK


During 70s,punk music started gaining its momenum and there was just enough room left for the punk fashion as well.Since then,this fashion has always been embraced by the people around the globe.

It's also true that the image of punk fashion and style have not been the same all the way.

It has been experimented,changed and developed over the period of time when the punk culture itself had to go through phases as those of like hardcore and anti-fashion,standard,crust,horror,skate and lately the pop punk.However ,the credit for punk fashion shall always got to the styles and attitudes of punk role models of that time such as the likes of musicians Ramones ad Richard Hell.

Punk fashion is all about the styles of clothing,hairstyles,cosmetics and jewelry.It gives you a large space for your own creations and embellishments.Morever,draping yourself in a punk look largely speaks your personality and attitude -"I'm proud of who Iam".

Now,that the punk culture is at the greater heights and is on the verge of taking the front seat at the global fashion mainstreams;the urban youths of Nepal too have been surpassed by the simplicity and virtuosity of punk clothing and style.

Punk is all about embraceing your individuality and being what you are.The basic thing about punk dress-up is that you dont go for frilly clothes.Forget about flare jeans as well.To accentuate your punk look go for things like skinny jeans,printed t-shirts of bands like'Sex Pistols'or even logos that make a huge statement or even invent your own graffiti.After all,this is what is best about being a punk.A punk should always take care about the accessories s/he wears and the color is black but it's good to add shades like pink,yellow,turquoise and brown.

"I love wearing punk out-fits and accessories because I love them.Secondly,it makes me feel who Iam" said Anjan Rai,a punk disiciple from Sadobato who is studying in 10th grade.

Eventually,punk fashion should always make a statement because in the end it portrays the inner side of you and that "you" is definetely you rebelling against the restrictions imposed by the soceity and the higher authorities.

So why not just be yourself make a mark of your individuality before you make a terrible mistake by trying to be someone else.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats How Punk IZ...PunkZ ruls...keep It Up PUnksters

January 5, 2007 at 7:15 AM  

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